User and Workspace Cleanup - Audit Script (Python)
import os
import boto3
from datetime import datetime
days = int(os.getenv('Days', '30'))
customer_id = os.getenv('CustomerID', '')
topic_arn = os.getenv('TopicARN', '')
def send_alert(output):
if topic_arn == "":
subject = customer_id + " - User and Workspace Cleanup Audit Results"
message = "Instructions:\n== == == == ==\n\n"
message += "Please review the users and workspaces below for those that no longer need access to the environment.\n"
message += "Check the company wiki for contact details to seek approval for account and disabling of the Workspace.\n"
message += output
client = boto3.client('sns')
client.publish(TargetArn=topic_arn, Message=message, Subject=subject)
print("Sent Alert")
def CheckNumGroups(client, user_name):
i = 0
response = client.list_groups_for_user(
for key in response['Groups']:
i = i + 1
# print("Key-----", key)
return i
def CheckNumAccessKeys(client, user_name):
i = 0
response = client.list_access_keys(
for key in response['AccessKeyMetadata']:
i = i + 1
# print("Key-----", key)
return i
def lambda_handler(event, context):
output = ""
resource = boto3.resource('iam')
client = boto3.client("iam")
list_a = []
list_b = []
list_users = client.list_users()
# print list_users['Users'][0]['PasswordLastUsed']
# for key in list_users:
# print "Key-----",key
for this_user in list_users['Users']:
user_name = this_user['UserName']
password_used = ""
new_dt = ""
if "PasswordLastUsed" in this_user:
password_used = this_user['PasswordLastUsed']
if password_used != "":
date_s = password_used
date_s = date_s.replace(tzinfo=None)
new_dt = datetime.utcnow() - date_s
minutessince = int(new_dt.total_seconds() / 60)
# output += user_name, " ", password_used, " ", new_dt, " ", minutessince)
if (minutessince > (days * 1440)): # 1440 min in one day
if (CheckNumGroups(client, user_name) > 0): list_a.append("{} (Last login was on: {})".format(user_name, password_used))
if (CheckNumAccessKeys(client, user_name) == 0): list_b.append("{} (Last login was on: Never)".format(user_name))
output += "\n"
output += "==========================================================\n"
output += "Following users have not logged in for more than {} days.\n".format(days)
output += "==========================================================\n"
for s in list_a:
output += s
output += "\n\n"
output += "\n"
output += "==========================================================\n"
output += "Following users have never logged in.\n"
output += "==========================================================\n"
for s in list_b:
output += s
output += "\n"
output += "\n"
ws = boto3.client('workspaces')
### calculate time diffrence
def calculate_age(date):
now = datetime.utcnow().date()
then =
age = now - then
return age.days
### return Workspace UserName
def user_name(wsid):
items = ws.describe_workspaces()
for item in items['Workspaces']:
if item['WorkspaceId'] == wsid:
return item['UserName']
# Body
# days = 50
items = ws.describe_workspaces_connection_status()
dis_num = 0
List_Idle = []
never_num = 0
List_Never = []
for item in items['WorkspacesConnectionStatus']:
lastknown = item.get('LastKnownUserConnectionTimestamp')
if item['ConnectionState'] == "DISCONNECTED":
if lastknown is not None and calculate_age(lastknown) > days:
dis_num += 1
List_Idle.append("User name: " + user_name(item['WorkspaceId']) + " with workspace id (" + item[
'WorkspaceId'] + ") has been idle for " + str(calculate_age(lastknown)) + " days.")
if lastknown is None:
never_num += 1
List_Never.append("User name: " + user_name(item['WorkspaceId']) + " with workspace id (" + item[
'WorkspaceId'] + ") has not been used yet.")
if dis_num > 0:
output += "==========================================================\n"
output += "{} workspaces have been disconnected for more than {} days:\n".format(dis_num, days)
output += "==========================================================\n"
for i in List_Idle:
output += "{}\n".format(i)
if never_num > 0:
output += "\n==========================================================\n"
output += "{} workspaces have never been used:\n".format(never_num)
output += "==========================================================\n"
for j in List_Never:
output += "{}\n".format(j)
print('Loading function')
lambda_handler(0, 0)