Stop/Start RDS Instance
RDS Managed Instances are one of the top expends in AWS.
Stop/Start RDS Instance script in Python, provide a Tag "Shutdown" and "StartUp". You can program this via a Lambda handler.
from __future__ import print_function
import boto3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
prof_name = "" # Profile Name Identifier
acc_number = "" # AWS Account Number
def rds_start(list_instances):
for instance in list_instances:
this_inst = instance.split(",")
db_instance_id = this_inst[0]
environment = this_inst[1]
print ("{0} (UTC): Starting Instance '{1}' from Environment '{2}'".format(datetime.utcnow(), db_instance_id, environment))
def rds_stop(list_instances):
for instance in list_instances:
this_inst = instance.split(",")
db_instance_id = this_inst[0]
environment = this_inst[1]
print("{0} (UTC): Stopping Instance '{1}' from Environment '{2}'".format(datetime.utcnow(), this_inst[0], this_inst[1]))
def lambda_handler(event, context):
rds = boto3.client('rds')
instances_to_start = []
instances_to_stop = []
# Date calculation
date = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=10)
current_hour = date.hour
current_day = date.weekday()
print("Running State Change Script for hour {0} on day {1}".format(current_hour, current_day))
# get all of the db instances
dbs = rds.describe_db_instances()
for db in dbs['DBInstances']:
print("Checking RDS Instance: {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}".format(db['DBInstanceIdentifier'], db['MasterUsername'], db['Endpoint']['Address'], db['Endpoint']['Port'], db['DBInstanceStatus']) )
arn = "arn:aws:rds:ap-southeast-2:" + acc_number + ":db:" + db['DBInstanceIdentifier']
# print("{0}".format(arn))
tags = rds.list_tags_for_resource(ResourceName=arn)
# print (tags)
instance_id = db['DBInstanceIdentifier']
current_status = db['DBInstanceStatus']
environment = ""
startup = ""
shutdown = ""
for tg in tags['TagList']:
if tg['Key'] == 'Environment':
environment = tg['Value']
if tg['Key'] == 'StartUp':
startup = tg['Value']
if tg['Key'] == 'Shutdown':
shutdown = tg['Value']
if environment == "PROD": # Skip prod
if startup != "":
print("Skipping Production RDS Instance. Do not assign StartUp/Shutdown Tags to PROD instances.")
if shutdown != "":
print("Skipping Production RDS Instance. Do not assign StartUp/Shutdown Tags to PROD instances.")
if startup != "":
startup_schedule = startup.split(" ")
print("StartUp: {0}".format(startup_schedule))
if (int(startup_schedule[current_day]) == current_hour):
if current_status == "stopped" : instances_to_start.append(instance_id + "," + environment)
if shutdown != "":
shutdown_schedule = shutdown.split(" ")
print("Shutdown: {0}".format(shutdown_schedule))
if (int(shutdown_schedule[current_day]) == current_hour):
if current_status == "available": instances_to_stop.append(instance_id + "," + environment)
if (len(instances_to_start) == 0): print ("{0} (UTC): No instances to start at this time.".format(datetime.utcnow()))
if (len(instances_to_stop) == 0): print ("{0} (UTC): No instances to stop at this time.".format(datetime.utcnow()))
except Exception as error:
lambda_handler(0, 0)