Amazon Leadership Principal: Are right a lot also implies...
Amazon Leadership Principal: Are right a lot also implies...
Hold your opinion loosely, dont get trapped, use data to change mind and reanalyse
Home of Shariq Mustaquim on the Internet!
Amazon Leadership Principal: Are right a lot also implies...
Hold your opinion loosely, dont get trapped, use data to change mind and reanalyse
Raising the bar is part of Amazon's Hire and Develop the Best Leadership Principle: hiring and promoting candidates who demonstrate they are the best person to perform that job. It also means hiring a candidate with proficiency, or super powers, in areas that bring more to the job. For example, a program manager may be able to construct SharePoint workflows or have advanced Excel skills, which are not required for the role. With these qualities, they raise the bar on the role and may be better than 50% of the PMs in the organization.
Amazon’s Leadership Principles form the core of the company’s DNA. Some are foundational, others procedural, and all of them reflect essential facets of what it means to be Amazonian. But our Leadership Principles are more than cultural artifacts – they are, in fact, central to how we operate.
Picture them in Amazon!!!
One of my career ambitions.....
Error laden bash script
I Use it in interviews to test candidate scripting knowledge:
If [$1] then
Echo (“Hello”)